Waivers & Other Requests

Bus Waivers

A parent or guardian may request a stop other than the assigned home bus stop by completing a "Bus Waiver Form." Approval of the request is subject to the following criteria:

  • The alternate stop must be on a route scheduled for the child's assigned school.

  • Seating is available.

  • The requested stop is to be the permanent daily pick-up and drop-off point.
    For BBES students, the request must conform to K-2 Transportation Guidelines.

  • The request for an alternate stop may be made by using the Application for Transportation form.

2024-2025 Application for Transportation Form

2024-2025 Pedido de Transporte Formulário

2024-2025 Pedido de Refeições e Transporte Gratuitos e Reduzidos

2024-2025 Fee Waiver

Distance Appeal Form

Other Requests, Inquiries, or Concerns

All other requests, inquiries, or concerns must be made in writing and submitted to either the Principal's Office or to the Superintendent's Office for processing. Note: Submit all discipline issues to the principal.