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BBES Broadcaster


Did You Know?

The 100th Day of School is coming up this week! Look out for any details from your child's teacher regarding how the class will celebrate. It is hard to believe that we are more than halfway through the school year!

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is on its way! In keeping with our wellness policy and allergy awareness, we ask that Valentine's Day cards traded with classmates do not include food/candy. Thank you for your help with this!

Family Math Night

Join us for Family Math night on Thursday, February 6th from 5:30-6:30 in the gym! It is a great evening where students can teach math games to family members. We look forward to seeing you!

From the School Nurse

Over the past few weeks, we have seen an increase in febrile illnesses at BBES. In order to keep everyone healthy, please keep your child home until they have been fever free for at least 24 hours without the use of medications and symptoms are improving. If your child tests positive for an illness, please contact the school nurse. If your child misses 5 consecutive days due to illness, they will need a doctor’s note in order to return. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at or call 781-982-2185 ext 4367. Please see below for our healthy attendance practices information sheet.

APS is Hiring Substitutes

Are you interested in being a substitute in our schools? Please contact Danielle Gaylor at if this is something you would be interested in!

From the IT Department

To ensure that APS communications are reaching our community, please check our Aspen family portal to confirm that your contact information is correct. 

Family Portal Directions

BBES Lunch Menu is linked here!

Dates to Remember

February 4th: Early Release Dismissal at 12:00pm

February 6th: Family Math Night 5:30-6:30

February 6th: BBES PTO Meeting 7pm BBES Cafeteria

February 7th: PTO Someone Special Dance 7-8pm (grade 2 students and a guardian)

February 17th-21st: No School February Vacation

Download the APS app to receive notifications and have information at your fingertips!

Contact Us:

BBES Main Office: 781.982.2185

Julie Thompson, Principal

Melanie Savicke, Assistant Principal

Amy Murphy, Administrative Assistant

Amanda Zompetti, Administrative Assistant

To report an anonymous tip, bullying, or safety concern, please click HERE.