Title I Information

Title I is a major component of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESSA) and the largest federally funded assistance program for our nation’s schools. This grant provides financial assistance to districts and schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards. The priorities of Title I are to:
Strengthen the core program in schools and provide academic and/or support services to low-achieving students.
Provide programs that enable participating students to achieve the learning standards of the curriculum frameworks.
Elevate the quality of instruction by providing eligible staff with opportunities for professional development.
Involve parents/guardians of public and private school children as partners in their children's education.
Abington operates a Schoolwide Title I program at Beaver Brook Elementary School with the goal of supporting all children in grades K-2 in both reading and math.
Click on the Title I links in the left navigation menu of this page for more resources.