School Links
Massachusetts Department Of Elementary And Secondary Education:
Students at the AEEP do not take MCAS tests.
Women, Infants & Children (WIC) Nutrition Program
Please click here for more information about WIC...
Project Bread: A Fresh Approach To Ending Hunger
Please click here for more information about Project Bread...
Selfhelp, Inc.
SelfHelp Inc. offers coordinated family and community engagement opportunities. The mission is to strengthen families and children with services in these five areas: parental resilience; social connections; concrete support in times of need; knowledge of parenting, and child development; and social and emotional competence of children. SelfHelp, Inc.
One Tough Job
In 2006, the Children's Trust created View OnetoughJob to provide parents with the
most current and reliable parenting information. This site offers a one-of-a-kind source finder connecting parents with resources in their communities, and more ways for parents to connect with each other, including discussion forums and blog posts.
Department Of Early Education
View The Department of Early Education website provides information regarding programs and services within early childhood, including licensing information, laws/regulations/ policies, and parent engagement/family support tabs. It also offers links regarding key initiatives within early childhood education and information about special education.
Fun Things to Do with Kids in Abington, MA...
Story Time at Abington Public Library...